Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Enjoying the Journey

I'm finally setting up my Blog. It's only taken me 2 yrs, however I'll start to share more about my journey.

I recently was able to get my Team Marathon powered by Snickers sponsorship renew from the 2007-2008 seasons. (http://www.marathonbars.com/) Last year I hurt my knee, which was a major test in patience as I couldn't do anything for 3 months. So, I feel blessed to be healthy again, living back in Spokane and coaching an awesome group of supportive triathletes in Team Blaze Spokane Triathlon Club. (www.teamblazespokane.com )

I often talk to athletes about keeping life in perspective and truly enjoying the journey! We all have different motivations for heading out the door to the pool, lacing up the shoes or climb on the bike on a rainy day. The key thing I've learned over the past 10 yrs while competing and coaching triathlon is that we all need to not take the journey for granted. Keep it all fun through adding social elements to your training. Triathletes by nature are fun and social group. I enjoy sharing in the journey with others.

A few years ago my son Reece was born premature and hospitalized for his first 6 weeks of life,then I almost lost my beautiful wife to complications during a life change miscarriage, last year my father-in-law battled and survived a major cancer scare. Recently, I've had a childhood and lifelong best friend who's mom was always such sweet and kind person to me growing that lost her courageous battle with cancer. She will always be close to me as I observed how she managed tragic life challenges while staying strong keeping life and family as the priority. You will be missed by many lives you touched and your sweet nature will live on through your daughters and grandchildren.

My reason for sharing this life touching information is due to the fact it all reminds me to keep my own life in perspective. Enjoying the journey to me takes on many meanings, however one thing I know for sure is life should be lived to the fullest as you never know when you will see your last sunset! Hold your little ones/family close and love each day like it was your last!

All the best to my friends racing Boise 70.3 & IM CDA! Thanks Brett, Tobin and John for pushing me on the bike! Thanks to all my athletes I coach for inspiring me everyday! Thanks for my wife & son for always keeping life fun!

Enjoy the journey,

Coach Scott


Spokane Al said...

Well, all I can say is that it is about time. You have a terrific spirit, message and perspective on life that deserves sharing with others and cyberspace is a terrific way to accomplish that.

I will be looking forward to many more of your thoughtful insights on triathlon, life and living.

Unknown said...

Al couldn't have said it better. Ditto...

John Martinek said...

I posted in the test section

Anonymous said...

HA! I also posted in the test section, but I'll post again, no prob.

Scott, Love the blog! And I agree 100%...life is short so enjoy the journey. Thank you so much for sharing your love and joy of the sport, and especially the balance you display in life and family. Thanks also for all the tips and tricks! Can't wait to try them out this month!

donna said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Coach Scott. I look forward to reading about your journey and all the pearls of wisdom you share along the way
-donna melville