Twas the the week before Ironman and all through house not creature was stirring not even our two hyper dogs Scooby and Barkley. Ok, I'll spare everyone the rest. I had someone ask me recently why or how could I even imagine doing my 4th IM only 6.5 months after heart surgery? Is that even possible? I responded, "yes, it's possible and I wouldn't want to live any other way." I know this lady is still probably shaking her head thinking this guy needs brain surgery not heart surgery I think they made a mistake.
In all seriousness though, anyone that knows me realizes I've always been driven and super competitve (marriage & fatherhood has helped me tone it down), although I'm always up for a challenge. So, May 12th I signed up for a big challenge which was to complete the IM only 6.5 months after heart surgery with 6.5 weeks of training. Good thing I know how to swim! I feel it is through these challenges in life that we truly learn about ourselves. As IM CDA is only one week away I'm excited about the opportunity to be free to live my life on my terms and use my god given gifts to inspire others to want more from their lives too.
During an interview recently with KHQ, I was asked why are you doing this again and what does it mean to you? I replied, "because I feel it's my 2nd chance and I'm blessed to be able to give back to others by hopefully inspiring someone that is facing a life challenge to NEVER give up as anything is possible!" The ability to do IM in my mind means I'm free and healthy again because as a funny friend once told me, "god has a plan for all of us". This question also prompted an emotional response as I honestly never thought I would be able to swim, bike and run about year ago when they first told me my heart wasn't working any more. Now that was a tough day, yet here I am IM CDA racer #1359 ready to take on the challenge. Yes, I expect IM day will tough and emotional, yet hopefully I'll be able to inspire others to live life to the fullest too.
Father & Son Triathlon |
Recently we had out annual IM pre-race dinner at our house, we were fortunate to have two professional IM triathlon champions Hillary Biscay & Maik Twelsiek attend and generously shared their stories, tips, and pose for many photos. Hillary has completed 48 IM races around the world and Maik orginally from Germany had the fastest bike split in Kona last year with amazing 4:26! These two truly represent all that is good about the sport of triathlon where pro athletes are just regular people with extrodinary physical gifts and passion for life. Pro triathletes don't make a ton of money, but they get to live out the child like passion every day by swimming, biking, running and traveling the world! Thank you Jim Kozak with CycleMetrix
Reece (5yrs) & I at the finish! |
On Father's Day I got chance to complete a kids triathlon with my little buddy and we had blast! Reece as most of probably can imagine has been around triathlon and has attended workouts, races since he was a baby, so when he heard he could do another race he was super excited. He completed the 25 yard swim with his life jacket although he did put his face in the water, biked +1 mile, ran 1/3 mile and most importantly he finished with smile on his face. During the race he even tossed out a little train trash talk that made me laugh when he passed two kids on the bike and said to himself, "they can't catch me slow coach". (I had to remind him it was just a race against himself) After we finished he immediately ask me if he could get a snack and then he won a Cars slip and slide!
I believe that if want something in life you should go for it as the one of the many things I've learned is that life is both short and unpredicatable. Thank you to all my family, friends and athletes I coach coach for inspiring me to be a better person. I feel blessed to have my 2nd chance to truly enjoy the journey!
If you're not doing anything this coming Sunday I encourage you to come to IM CDA and support the 32 Team Blaze Spokane Triathlon Club members participating!
Thanks everyone! I plan to truly enjoy this IM! I feel this video represents all that this journey means to me. Remember when you feel you can't go another step remember you CAN!
Thanks for reading!
You will be in my thoughts next week while I'm volunteering in the swim-bike transition at IM France! You are truly an inspiration and an awesome role model for your son. Congratulations on the accomplishment and have a most excellent race!
Keep rocking buddy.
You set a high bar for sports, life and living for the rest of us.
Good Luck and God Bless, Scott...wer are rooting for you!
Kathleen and Mike
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